
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Truth About PCOS And Fatigue

When you talk to the women with the condition, symptoms like fatigue and and low energy levels are part of everyday life. Unfortunately for these women life goes on. You have a million things you need to get done every single day and it seems like nobody cares that you could sleep for 6 months straight like a hibernating bear. Let’s be honest here, when you have your daily duties to get through and you’re so tired there’s a chance that every blink could turn into a nanny nap, it’s the worst feeling. What’s even worse than constantly feeling tired is when you’re tired of constantly feeling tired. So, what’s the cause of fatigue in PCOS , and what can you do about it? Insulin Resistance Insulin resistance (IR) is a condition that up to 70% of women with PCOS have. IR causes the cells of your body to no longer behave towards insulin as they should. Insulin acts as the key to the cell doors, allowing nutrients from your bloodstream into the cells to power it so it may functi...

Absolute Worst Diet for PCOS

 Absolute Worst Diet for PCOS

6 Benefits Of Magnesium For PCOS

According to a study by Gynecology Endocrinology, women with   polycystic ovarian syndrome   (PCOS) are 19 times more likely to have a magnesium deficiency. There are a number of reasons why magnesium deficiency is so common among women with PCOS. But it’s likely to be due to some combination between poor soil concentrations of magnesium that lead to magnesium deficient foods, stress, lack of fruits and vegetables, certain medications such as birth control, and insulin resistance. To learn more about magnesium deficiency, check out my video below. Benefits Of Magnesium For PCOS What Is Magnesium? Magnesium   is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. It is naturally present in many foods, added to other food products, available as a dietary supplement, and present in some medicines. Its importance is demonstrated through its involvement as a cofactor in more than 600 enzyme systems that regulate important reactions in the body. Notable reactions with which it is inv...